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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to Treat Hemorrhoids

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How to Treat Hemorrhoids - A Complete Guide by Adi Suandharu

Hemorrhoids are excruciating, unusually swollen veins in the inferior section of the rectum or anus. Similar to varicose veins but much more painful, irritated hemorrhoids will burn, itch, swell and sometimes bleed.

There are two types of hemorrhoids internal and external, the most well known are the external.
The most common causes of hemorrhoids are those activities that put stress on the rectum or anus. This may include childbirth, heavy lifting, unusual bowel movements such as diarrhea or constipation, or even spending excess time sitting.

Internal hemorrhoids occur just inside the anus, and cannot be seen or felt
. They do not usually cause any pain; they do however bleed and may hide more important health issues, so you should see a doctor to rule out other problems.

External hemorrhoids are the ones most often complained about.
They are on the outside of the rectum or anus and are often subjected to irritation, causing them to remain painful and swollen and literally be a pain in the butt.

Hemorrhoids can be difficult to eliminate and will often re-occur.
Creating good habits and simple medical treatment can usually keep them at bay. Only in severe cases is surgery recommended. Preventing hemorrhoids may be possible if you can avoid the main causes. This is not usually practical for most people since diarrhea, constipation, heavy lifting; frequent sitting and childbirth are normal life activities.

However, you can help alleviate the stress these activities may cause. When lifting be sure to exhale as you rise, this alleviates stress on the rectum. If you develop a cough, get constipated or have diarrhea seek treatments right away. Keep sitting to a minimum, if you must sit then shift positions often, take breaks and walk around a bit, and avoid reading while on the toilet.

If you find that hemorrhoids still arise, it is a good idea to get treatment quickly. Hemorrhoids can start out mildly enough, but you will soon wish you had paid closer attention.

Anal itching, ache or pain while sitting, bright colored blood in stool, bowel movement pain and hard or tender lumps are all symptoms that you may have hemorrhoids. A diagnosis can be made by a simple physical exam by a physician. There are several tests that may help the diagnosis and be necessary if you have the internal type.

There are several over the counter medications available to help with the discomfort of hemorrhoids. Cortisone creams, Tucks pads and witch hazel are all known to help provide relief. Other things that may help include wearing cotton underpants, avoid perfumed or colored tissues, and avoid scratching the itch. Sitz baths can help reduce your discomfort and aide in the reduction of existing hemorrhoids.

About the Author

Find a guaranteed, best, fast and natural way to cure hemorrhoids forever at http://hemorrhoidtreatmentguide.info, or visit our website to get more info on how to treat hemorrhoids.

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