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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

natural remedies for hemorrhoids

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Understanding and Overcoming the Problem of Hemorrhoids
by TL Kleban

When it comes to medical problems, there is nothing more embarrassing than having to openly admit you have hemorrhoids. It quite possibly may be the most joked about medical problems going. That doesn't mean they are not a serious or common problem for people across the country. A recent medical survey found that nearly half of the men, women and children in the US suffer from hemorrhoids.

What exactly is a hemorrhoid?
They are varicose veins which form inside the rectum or around the opening of the anus, hence why they are joked about so much. There are numerous causes for them such as increased pressure on the veins from sitting for long periods of time, being constipated or even straining too hard to defecate to name just a few. The reason why hemorrhoids are no laughing matter for people with them is because they can be extremely painful, itchy and can bleed when irritated.

There are plenty of natural remedies for hemorrhoids available that treat the swelling of the rectal veins. Here are just a few natural treatments consisting of pure, natural oils and plant extracts that deal with and prevent hemorrhoids.

Fiber - Fiber has long been known to have a beneficial effect in relieving hemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding. This is because it softens your stool and increases its bulk, reducing straining. Fiber has even been found to improve itching, discomfort, and pain. One way to get more fiber into your diet is to eat foods such as whole grains and vegetables. One important point to remember is to always drink plenty of water or you may suffer from constipation.

Bioflavonoids - They work by stabilizing and strengthening the walls of your blood vessels and in turn decreasing inflammation. This reduces anal discomfort, pain, and anal discharge if you going through an acute hemorrhoid attack. All of the important flavonoids you want are found in citrus fruits. Pay attention to diosmin, herperidin, and oxerutins since they appear to be the most beneficial.

Witch Hazel Cream - This drug store staple is not be taken internally but instead applied topically as a distilled liquid, ointment, or medicated pad to the anal area where you are suffering. Witch hazel acts as an astringent and decreases the bleeding of hemorrhoids. Many people love it too since it quickly relieves pain, itching and swelling caused by hemorrhoids.

Horse Chestnut - The herb horse chestnut is often times recommended by doctors when there is poor circulation in the veins. Like most of the items on this list, it is used to relieve symptoms common with hemorrhoids like swelling and inflammation while strengthening the blood vessel walls. It is easy to add to your diet as well since horse chestnut can be taken as a tea, in capsule form or applied externally as a compress.

Butcher's Broom - It is taken when there is poor circulation in the veins around the anus area because it contains anti-inflammatory and vein-contracting properties believed to improve the tone and integrity of veins while shrinking swollen tissue. Much like Horse Chestnut, Butcher's broom is usually taken in capsule or tea form but has a slightly bitter taste, so you may want to use something to sweeten up a little. Recently, doctors have discovered that Butchers broom is effective when applied topically as an ointment or compress.

About the Author
Visit the experts at Dual Action Cleanse at www.dualactioncleansenow.com. Dual Action Cleanse's all-natural colon cleanser has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through gentle and effective whole body safe and effective body detox.

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